On World Environment Day, the largest Spanish newspaper, El País published a long conversation with Rémi. June 2024

Renewable Matter (Italian edition) asked Rémi to comment on the opinion of the International Tribunal of the Law the Sea (ITLOS) on climate change. May 2024

Plastics Treaty Negotiations: A Ray of Hope in Ottawa. an oped written jointly by the Varda Group and IDDRI (also en français). May 2024

IISD published Rémi's piece written from Hydra, Greece and inspired by Leonard Cohen, Everybody Knows, but the Dice are still Loaded. April 2024

On Day 1 of the UN Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona, Rémi is quoted by the Catalan newspaper LaVanguardia. April 2024

Catalonia's leading newspaper LaVanguardia published a long interview with Rémi a week prior to the UN Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona. March 2024

Monaco EcoArt identified the Let's Be Nice to the Ocean round-table organized by the Varda Group as one of the highlights of the Monaco Ocean Week. March 2024

Reuse should be central component of legally binding treaty on plastics, in Down to Earth. February 2024

IISD’s SDG Knowledge Hub announced the second phase of the Let’s Be Nice to the Ocean initiative. February 2024

There is an interesting commentary about one of our 2022 ocean policy papers, in Spain's ElDiario.es' article reporting on recent findings by the Global Fishing Watch programme. January 2024


In China Dialogue, Rémi recalls that the ocean has always inspired environmental and climate action. November 2023

In their curtain-raiser story on the UN Plastics Treaty negotiations, the online publication Renewable Matter quoted Rémi. November 2023

Spain's El País newspaper interviewed Rémi for their front page feature on the European extreme right anti-environment agenda. July 2023

Barcelona Metropolitan, the English-speaking magazine for expats, streamed a long interview with Rémi about the impact of the Spanish general elections on environmental policy. June 2023

Kelly & Rémi pay tribute to Roger Payne in "Whales always had voices. Roger Payne helped the world hear them", published by Greenpeace International. June 2023

Rémi contributed to "ReBarcelona - Rethinking the City of the Future", a book published by the City of Barcelona March 2023

ESADE, Barcelona's factory of corporate executives published a short conversation with Rémi January 2023


Rémi co-authored with a large group of ocean policy experts a paper published in Nature: An evolution towards scientific consensus for a sustainable ocean future. December 2022

Reuters quoted Rémi reacting to a statement of concern by the Head of the World Trade Organization December 2022

Rémi was interviewed by TV3 Catalan television during COP15, the Biodiversity Summit in Montreal December 2022

Spain's El País newspaper has published a great interview with Rémi under the title: "To those with eco-anxiety, I say: it's cured by action!" November 2022

The Spanish news agency EFE asked Rémi to comment on the sabotage of the North Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea September 2022

Rémi is quoted in Toby McIntosh's interesting thought-piece "What explains media inattention to UN biodiversity negotiations?" September 2022

Spain's "El País" reported on Rémi's thoughts after the UN negotiations on high seas biodiversity conservation & sustainable use held in New York. September 2022

"Impact", the magazine of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation has an op-ed by Rémi: "What's next after the WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement?" August 2022

Rémi's views during the UN Ocean Conference were covered by the Associated Press, TV3 Catalan TV network, EFE, and Le Journal du Dimanche. June-July 2022

Rémi was interviewed by Agence France Presse Le Monde & Mongabay during the WTO Ministerial Conference. June 2022

"One Earth" has published a great tribute to Kelly. March 2022



  • Rémi’s views on the current status of the WTO fisheries negotiations were widely solicited this month. Reuters, Mongabay, China Dialogue. December 2020
  • WATCH Rémi in the Spanish Government’s “Remember COP25” series. December 2020
  • Agence France Presse quotes Rémi in a new story on the WTO fisheries negotiations. November 2020
  • Barcelona’s leading newspaper La Vanguardia published a full backpage interview with Rémi. October 2020
  • Rémi had a long live interview on TV3 Catalan Television during his Barcelona visit (22 mn. in Spanish, with French accent). September 2020
  • Rémi is featured in the Friends of Ocean Action’s latest video, and quoted in a Reuters story. July 2020
  • China Dialogue’s latest story on WTO fisheries negotiations references a comment by Rémi on post-Covid19 aid packages environmental conditionalities. June 2020
  • El Periodico (Barcelona) “Byzness” pages published an interview with Rémi about the Sustainable Development Goals and the ocean (in Spanish). March 2020
  • In BBC’s Witness History, Kelly remembers the campaign that led to the protection of the Antarctica continent, which she ran from the mid 1980s to the early 1990s. February 2020.
  • Diálogo Chino (in English) quotes Rémi in Environment in 2020. January 2020.



  • WATCH Rémi speaking (en français) at the 2nd Oceans Forum on Trade-Related Aspects of SDG14 at UN HQ in Geneva. July 2018.
  • Rémi signed an op-ed in Huffington Post – France on behalf of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC), prior to Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Australia. April 2018.
  • Rémi was interviewed by Sputnik news agency for one of their radio programmes out of Montevideo, Uruguay, to discuss the WTO ministerial conference (in Spanish). January 2018.
  • Inés was quoted in El Español and La Vanguardia (in Spanish) about electric fishing. January 2018


  • Inés wrote a piece in CTXT.ES on the role of islands in tackling the ocean and climate nexus (in Spanish). December 2017.
  • AUDIO: Rémi was the guest on Sergio Elguezábal’s Saturday radio show in Buenos Aires (in Spanish). December 2017.
  • VIDEO: Rémi facilitated a special session of the Trade and Sustainable Development Symposium in Buenos Aires, December 2017.
  • Rémi was quoted in News Deeply story: Last Tango in Buenos Aires, December 2017.The “Low Hanging Fish” campaign by Varda and BLOOM was referenced in a IISD/SDG Knowledge Hub Policy Brief, November 2017.
  • Rémi and Kelly are referenced and quoted in “An Ocean in Chains“, published by IISD. July 2017.
  • VIDEO: Watch Kelly’s and Rémi ‘s interventions at the conference Antarctica Today & Tomorrow (min. 44 and 1h51 respectively). June 2017.
  • Rémi and Kelly have co-authored an IISD opinion piece on linkages between the UN Ocean Conference (June 2017) and the WTO Conference (Dec 2017). February 2017.


  • Rémi authored an article on harmful fisheries subsidies, in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Trade & Environment 2016 Review “Fish Trade”, Part 3, December 2016.
  • Kelly was a contributor to Leonardo di Caprio’s documentary “Before The Flood” website: Nuclear is Not the Answer, October 2016.
  • Rémi and Inés authored “Climate change and the ocean: two faces of the same coin” in Tiempo de Paz (in Spanish), June 2016.
  • Rémi was interviewed by the Indian Ocean Observatory, February 2016.
  • Rémi addressed the role of civil society in climate change policy at a conference hosted by the Spanish Council of Engineers in Madrid (1:05:00), February 2016.



  • Kelly Rigg was featured in Forbes, September 2014
  • Rémi Parmentier’s article in Liaison Energie-Francophonie (Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie): “Plongée en haute mer à Rio”(pp. 38-42, in French), April 2014


  • Kelly Rigg on RTCC: US adaptation promises mustn’t replace binding targets, November 2013
  • Women’s leadership will strengthen climate action, article by Kelly Rigg on RTCC September 2013
  • Women leaders convene to make a move on climate change, with a quote from Kelly Rigg on trust.org, September 2013
  • Why Are Women Left out of Climate Change Policy Making? Kelly Rigg quoted in the Earth Island Journal, September 2013
  • Kelly Rigg was featured in the March edition of Origin magazine (page 51), March 2013


  • On behalf of Pew, Rémi Parmentier was quoted in Le Figaro, EFE, SIPA-AP and Le Nouvel Observateur,among others, regarding the future of bluefin tuna,October 2012
  • “El otro Río+20: la hora de la Sociedad Civil”, in the magazine “Es Posible” (Spain), September 2012
  • Rémi Parmentier interviewed by Antonio Cerrillo in La Vanguardia,”Diccionario contra la Economía Gris”, June 2012
  • Rémi Parmentier interviewed by tcktcktck campaign the World Environmental Day, June 2012
  • Rémi Parmentier interview on Rio+20 process, “No se puede impulsar la Economía Verde y seguir apoyando la Gris”, June 2012
  • Kelly Rigg interview in Discovery News, How Gas and “Petrol” Prices Feel Different, May 2012
  • Mat Mcdermott, As Rio+20 Approaches, Pleas For Less Language Squabbling & More Respecting Indigenous Wisdom, May 2012
  • Rémi Parmentier  “Role and Impact of International NGOs in Global Ocean Governance”, chapter in “The Law of the Sea & Ocean Governance”, Ocean Yearbook 26, April 2012
  • Kelly Rigg, ABC Australia,“Climate deniers jump on the ABC’s “dog bites man” story”, April 2012
  • Interview with Rémi Parmentier: Retos Emergentes para el Sector Privado, ASLE magazine (Basque Country, Spain), March 2012
  • Pat Lichen, “Mariana Trench and the Nasty Little Agitator”, March 2012
  • Kelly Rigg interview in Global Green’s blog, March 2012
  • Rémi Parmentier’s Hub Talk announcement on Canal Solidario, February 2012
  • Interview with Rémi Parmentier by Efe Verde, February 2012
  • “Waking up to Climate Change”  Chapter by Kelly Rigg in OECD 2012 Yearbook, January 2012


  • Kelly Rigg’s commentary in Le Nouvel Observateur. Climat : incertitude totale à la conférence de Durban, December 2011
  • Kelly Rigg’s article “If Kyoto dies in Durban, it will be a death knell for the climate fight” The Guardian,October 2011
  • Rémi Parmentier “El atún rojo se vende más que se pesca” in Efe Verde , October 2011
  • Kelly Rigg on a panel at the Civicus World Assembly, September 2011
  • Varda Advocacy Teach-In held in Spain: How can NGOs influence international fora?, September 2011
  • Kelly Rigg with Hub Culture at Climate Week NYC Opening Ceremony, September 2011
  • Kelly Rigg’s article in Daily Kos. Moving Planet: A Tale of Two Cities, September 2011
  • Rémi Parmentier’s commentary with Agence France Press. La Commission Baleinière Internationale en quête de transparence, July 2011
  • Interview on Green Patriot Radio of Kelly Rigg, Global Campaign for Climate Action.- February 2011
  • Oceans the new frontier – Chapter 10-1, A Planet for Life book series by the TERI Institute (India) and IDDRI (France).- January 2011
  • Kelly Rigg on a panel with Philippe Cousteau and Ted Turner at the Cancun Climate Conference, December 2010